PEOPLE'S SUMMIT and TENT CITY June 14 - 17, 2009
Grand Circus Park, (Woodward and Adams), Detroit
* Bailout the people! * Jobs, healthcare, housing and education for all * Moratorium on foreclosures, evictions and utility shutoffs – housing is a right * Stop budget cuts and restore social services funding * Stop tuition hikes and school closings * Moratorium on layoffs, plant closings, pension thefts and union busting – A job at a living wage is a right * End racism, sexism and anti-LGBT attacks * Stop attacks on immigrants * Bailout youth and students * No more police brutality * Jobs not Jails - For prisoners and ex-prisoners' rights * Save the natural environment and stop global climate change * U.S. troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan * Money for jobs and human needs, not war *

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Bail Out the People Movement is announcing three important projects

The Bail Out the People Movement is announcing three important projects:


Saturday, September. 19 & Sunday, September 20, 2009
(tentative dates)

Bail Out People - Not Banks
Money for Social Needs - Not War and Greed
Jobs, Housing, Healthcare & Education are a Right
Organize - Mobilize - Resist - Unite - Fight Back!

The third G20 summit is going to be in NYC on or around September 20, 2009. The G20 summits are taking place in response to the greatest worldwide economic crisis since the 1930s. However, the purpose of these high-level meetings of governments and bankers is not to rescue the people of the world from depression level unemployment, evictions, homelessness, poverty, social and economic inequality and war. These summits are about fixing the economic and financial order that puts profits before people-and fixing that system by creating more poverty, misery and suffering.

The last G20 Summit held in London in early April was met with massive protests both in London and throughout Europe. Now that the G20 is coming to the U.S., it is up to activists and organizations here to take up the challenge of uniting and working together to organize the widest protests possible. BOPM urges activists and organizations to endorse the call for protest at the G20 Summit in the fall, and to begin organizing for it. The potential for mass mobilization in September is truly infinite. So let’s begin the work required to realize that powerful potential.




(In conjunction with the UN Summit on the World Economic Crisis, June 1-3 in New York City)

People's Economic Summit
Starting Time - 11:00 am (tentative)
Inside the People's Summit Tent
in Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, 47th St. & 1st Ave.

>From June 1–3, The General Assembly of the UN will hold a summit on the world economic crisis in NYC. The UN is holding its own economic summit out of the concern that the 192 member nations of the UN are being marginalized by the G20 summit meetings.

In conjunction with this meeting, on Sunday May 31, the Bail Out the People Movement will hold a people’s summit on the world economic crisis in NYC outside the UN under a large tent in Dag Hammarskjold Plaza.

Come to the PEOPLE’S ECONOMIC SUMMIT–Share information and insight on how the economic is affecting poor and working people all over the U.S. and all over the world. Participate in panels and workshops. Help formulate a vision for a future free of social and economic inequality and injustice. Help plan the fight to make that vision a reality.

Planning for the G20 summit meeting in NYC in September, and forming the structures that will make organizing for the G20 inclusive and effective, will be high on the list of priorities at the People’s Economic Summit.


Come to the:

JUNE 14-17, 2009

Four Days of Active Resistance, Political Discussion and Strategizing for a “People's Stimulus Plans” and an “Economic Bill of Rights” for Working People and the Poor

On June 15-17, 2009, the National Business Summit, sponsored by the Detroit Economic Club, will take place at Ford Field. Millionaire capitalists like the heads of Conoco-Phillips, Dow Chemical, General Motors, Chrysler, Humana Inc., Ascension Health, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, BNSF Railway Co., and PVS Chemicals, as well as the presidents of the National Council on Competitiveness and U.S. Chamber of Commerce, will gather at this summit. President Barack Obama and cabinet members have been invited.

These wealthy businessmen (yes, almost all of them are rich white men) will put their greedy heads together to discuss “innovation and policy ideas in technology, energy, environment and manufacturing.” In other words, they will be strategizing on how to further increase their profits at the expense of the ever-shrinking middle class, the vast working class and the growing millions living in utter poverty.

The National Business Summit will be held in a city with record-high unemployment and poverty rates, lay-offs, budget cuts, school closings, utility rate hikes and shut-offs and massive home foreclosures. With a registration fee of $1,495, it is unlikely that any victims of foreclosures and evictions, let alone laid-off workers, will be able to attend the National Business Summit. No one at this event will be speaking in the interests of those most affected by the economic collapse.

The People’s Summit will be a dynamic event. During the People’s Summit, organizers will implement a moratorium on foreclosure evictions by going into the neighborhoods and supporting homeowners who are willing to confront the bailiffs. If there is a strike, demonstration or sit-in, the People’s Summit will join it. The People’s Summit will confront the big-business CEOs and politicians gathering next door. Join us!

• Bail out the people!
• Jobs, healthcare, housing and education for all
• Moratorium on foreclosures, evictions and utility
shutoffs; housing is a right!
• Stop budget cuts and restore social services funding
• Stop tuition hikes and school closings
• Moratorium on layoffs, plant closings, pension thefts and union-busting; A job at a living wage is a right!
• End racism, sexism and anti-LGBT attacks
• Stop attacks on immigrants
. Bail out youth and students
• No more police brutality
• U.S. troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan
• Money for jobs and human needs, not war

Here's how you can help:

1) Endorse the call to action:

2) Become an organizer:

3) Donate to help with organizing:

4) Spread the word!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

They can run but not hide

Several days after several media outlets, including the Michigan Citizen and the Metro Times, published articles announcing the People's Summit and Tent City in Grand Circus Park, the Detroit Economic Club decided to move it's gathering from Ford Field, only two blocks from the planned Tent City, to the Renaissance Center, more than ten blocks away. According to the DEC email:

The Detroit Economic Club (DEC) will convene The National Summit from June 15-17, 2009 at the Detroit Marriott Renaissance Center, rather than Ford Field, as originally planned.

Economic pressures affecting business and policy conferences around the world this year have prompted the DEC to make this decision. This will save costs and help to ensure
The National Summit's success as a new national forum for business, government, academic, labor and other leaders to explore priorities for America's future.

All aspects of The National Summit's original vision will be accommodated within this new venue, including the significant dialogue we expect this event will encourage on America's future. The program and content will center on the creation of America's "To Do List" to move the country forward in Technology, Energy, the Environment and Manufacturing.

We say, " You can run but you can't hide from the people."

Friday, April 17, 2009

People vs. the powerful - People’s Summit takes shape

By Eric T. Campbell
The Michigan Citizen

DETROIT — Hundreds of America’s most powerful businessmen and CEOs will convene inside Ford Field on June 15 to discuss the future of the U.S. economy. In fact, the National Summit is described on its website as, “A Gathering to Define America’s Future.”

Area activists have determined that any discourse on the path of the economy should include those who are most affected — the working class and poor of America who have endured the brunt of the current economic upheaval. In response, the Moratorium Now! Coalition has applied to the City of Detroit for a permit to stage a corresponding People’s Summit in Grand Circus Park from June 14-17.

The People’s Summit is hoping to assemble citizens from all over the region to strategize for a People’s Stimulus Plan and an Economic Bill of Rights. Organizers say that the rally will be an opportunity to confront big business with the realities of the economy.

“It was our view that people should be allowed to be out there and discussing their own economic agenda,” Moratorium Now! Coalition member David Sole told the Michigan Citizen. “We believe we have the right to meet, especially with the way the economy is now.”


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

In tent city

by Curt Guyette, Metro Times

.... For members of the group Moratorium Now, which began howling about the problems related to foreclosures long before most people were paying attention, the event will be a chance to provide a bunch of rich CEOs with a sharp dose of reality when they show up at Ford Field.

The intent is to set up a tent city at Grand Circus Park. Can you say Hooverville? ...


Saturday, April 4, 2009

People's Summit Organizing Meeting

Come to an organizing meeting for the People's Summit and Tent City, June 14-17 in Detroit to counter the National Economic (Corporate CEO) Summit taking place at Ford Field in Detroit. The meeting will take place:

Saturday, April 11, 1:00 pm
5920 Second Ave. (just north of Wayne State University in Detroit)
Call 313-689-5508 for more information or visit

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Detroit March and Rally - May 1, 2009

March and Rally
May 1, 2009

10 AM

Gather at W. Vernor & Woodmere (Patton Park), Detroit
March down Vernor to Clark Park for outdoor rally at noon

Initiated by Latinos Unidos

Lost your job? Losing your home?

Blame the rich, crooked bankers and mortgage lenders NOT immigrant workers!

read more


* Jobs at a living Wage
* Passage of the Employee Free Choice Act
* Health care for all
* Housing
* Education
* An end to raids and deportations