PEOPLE'S SUMMIT and TENT CITY June 14 - 17, 2009
Grand Circus Park, (Woodward and Adams), Detroit
* Bailout the people! * Jobs, healthcare, housing and education for all * Moratorium on foreclosures, evictions and utility shutoffs – housing is a right * Stop budget cuts and restore social services funding * Stop tuition hikes and school closings * Moratorium on layoffs, plant closings, pension thefts and union busting – A job at a living wage is a right * End racism, sexism and anti-LGBT attacks * Stop attacks on immigrants * Bailout youth and students * No more police brutality * Jobs not Jails - For prisoners and ex-prisoners' rights * Save the natural environment and stop global climate change * U.S. troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan * Money for jobs and human needs, not war *

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Final Push - People's Summit and Tent CityMobilization and Outreach

People's Summit & Tent City Office Hours and Work Session Hours
Office: 5920 Second Ave, Detroit

Wednesday, June 10
10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Office Hours
5 p.m. - 9 p.m. Work Session (To make banners, placards etc.)

Thursday, June 11
10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Office Hours
5 p.m. - 9 p.m. Work Session (To make banners, placards etc.)
9 p.m - silkscreening of t-shirts

Friday, June 12
10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Office Hours



The People's Summit & Tent City will be open during the following times this coming week. During office hours a minimum of two staffers will be there. Leaflets and posters will also be available at the office during the times below. Just stop by to pick some up. The office address is: 5920 Second Avenue, Detroit.

We'll be using Saturday for any last minute details that need to be completed. If you can't volunteer during the times below but can help on Saturday, call in to the office and let us know you're available Saturday and if needed you'll be plugged in.

Of course one of the most critical tasks this week will be massive outreach. Thus virtually everyone coming in from out of town will be helping on this to get the word out about the People's Summit & Tent City. If you can help on outreach please call in to the office to let us know where you've leafletted or are leafletting so we don't duplicate work or if you want to join an outreach team call into the
office and volunteer for this.

Also, even though the work sessions are scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday evenings, if you can't make these times call in to the office and there should be work to do during the day.

Again, the office staffers will be on top of everything in real time so the best way to plug in is to call the office and see what there is to do etc.

Thanks and great work everyone. Onward to the People's Summit!

In unity and solidarity,

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