PEOPLE'S SUMMIT and TENT CITY June 14 - 17, 2009
Grand Circus Park, (Woodward and Adams), Detroit
* Bailout the people! * Jobs, healthcare, housing and education for all * Moratorium on foreclosures, evictions and utility shutoffs – housing is a right * Stop budget cuts and restore social services funding * Stop tuition hikes and school closings * Moratorium on layoffs, plant closings, pension thefts and union busting – A job at a living wage is a right * End racism, sexism and anti-LGBT attacks * Stop attacks on immigrants * Bailout youth and students * No more police brutality * Jobs not Jails - For prisoners and ex-prisoners' rights * Save the natural environment and stop global climate change * U.S. troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan * Money for jobs and human needs, not war *

Thursday, May 28, 2009


from Cleveland Scene Weekly

Are you just generally pissed off about everything and think we’ve got to get back to the way it was done in the ’60s — getting out in the streets and making fiery speeches? Then the Bail Out People Movement might be just the thing for you. Founded this spring in New York and headquartered at the Solidarity Center there, the group is sponsoring a “People’s Economic Summit” in New York May 31, prior to the UN Summit on the World Economic Crisis, and a “People’s Summit and Tent City” in Detroit’s Grand Circus Park June 14-17 to counter the National Business Summit taking place at the Detroit Economic Club. Among the things they’re aiming to address: providing jobs, health care, housing and education for all, stopping foreclosures, restoring social-services funding, demanding moratoriums on layoffs and plant closings, ending racism, sexism and attacks on LGBT people and immigrants, stopping police brutality, getting U.S. troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan, and probably a whole bunch of other stuff too (though probably not the college football's controversial bowl championship series).

The Cleveland chapter of Bail Out People Movement is holding a community speak-out at noon this Saturday at Market Square Park across from the West Side Market. On the agenda: to assemble a Cleveland delegation to the Detroit event and to spotlight its main theme, “bail out the people not the banks.” The press release adds, “The speak out will also raise demands against racism; sexism, gay, bisexual and transgender community; raids on immigrants; police brutality; time limits on public assistance; cutbacks, plant closings and layoffs.”

Among the sponsors listed are the Peoples Fightback Center, Cleveland Jobs With Justice, the Baldwin Wallace Food Justice Council, Fight Imperialism — Stand Together and Abdul Qahhar of the Cleveland Chapter of the New Black Panther Party. Power to the people, right on! Call the Cleveland BOPM at 216.531.4004 for more information. — Anastasia Pantsios

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